This 4-week course will guide participants through the process of creating engaging stories for young readers. Your instructor, Melissa Baker Nguyen, is ready to lead participants on an exploration of the fundamentals of children's literature, including brainstorming story ideas, developing relatable characters and compelling plots, what to think about when writing for different age groups, creative and engaging use of language, and more!
With support and guidance at every juncture, participants will share ideas, discuss, and explore the role of illustrations in a children’s book. Opportunities for feedback and group discussion will be sprinkled throughout, and Melissa will also share her knowledge about publishing (including self publishing) and tips on marketing your own creative work.
By course end, each participant will have the opportunity to produce a story, refined or unrefined, that is ready to share. Overall, this course aims to inspire you and strengthen your resolve; children of the world need to hear your story!
What will we do in the series?
This course will include a focus on the following subjects/areas of exploration:
Intro to children’s literature
Audience awareness
Breaking down the elements of successful children’s books
Creating memorable characters/character development
Plot structure
Writing and revising
COURSE SYLLABUS <pdf> *downloadable
Who is this series for?
This course is for anyone who has ever dreamed of writing a children’s book, anyone who needs reassurance that their story should be told, and anyone who needs that push to get started (again) on their goal of creating a book for kids.
About the instructor: