How do the events in your life sit beside each other to lend insight into something bigger? In this course/participatory lecture series, vulnerability, humour, and connection are guiding values as participants dive into personal moments big and small. Working from creative prompts to accumulate material, participants will learn storytelling structure and performance techniques to help them deliver their own story with a sense of confidence and play. Perfect for anyone interested in telling stories.
What will we do in the series?
Accumulate personal storytelling material through writing and telling exercises and prompts
Explore how narrative structures, multi-sensory recall and editing for performance can build confidence in your material and ability to tell it
Receive one-to-one feedback with the instructor
Share your story with the group in a supportive environment
Who is this series for?
Everyone is welcome. This workshop aims to build confidence in your ability to speak your own words out loud and take ownership over shaping your own narrative.